This past SAT was our *church car wash* Before we started I said a prayer and a car pulled up as soon as I said AMEN! I was like man this day is going to be a good one! Well it went downhill...Nobody from my church showed up and we only washed one car! Now mind you we've been advertising this thing every Sunday since at least JUNE 24TH!
"Church *Car Wash* JULY 19 everybody come and bring supplies and it'll be from 1130am till 1pm."
We made 20 dollars I believe 2 bucks from the first car and we put 18 in there. Around 1245pm a couple came up to me and said they were struggling and need help so I offered that they come to church the next morning and we will help them out. O I apologize one person did but she came at the end and she wasn't going to help she just wanted to drop a water hose off! WTHECK? My wife is 8 months pregnant and she was out there and you telling me nobody came to help! My church is about 30 members strong and its basically old people but the church is financially and spiritually wheeling down hill and they know this! So little me was livid and my wife wanted to leave the church for good! So I decided to write the church a letter now this letter I will not disclose to you guys b/c that's just messy but it was real! I read to my wife, pastor, and another member and they eyeballs popped out their sockets! It wasn't profane and my pastor wasn't exempt! I let him have a little bit to b/c he didn't show up either but he got the time mixed up and he emailed me b/c his cell sucks. So the ending result is my letter is posted in the church bulletin and everyone who comes will see it in their church hand out on Sunday! VICTORY! HOPEFULLY MY MESSAGE WILL WAKE PEOPLE UP!
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2 years ago
i hope the letter works!
sometimes ppl need their spirit awaken. hopefully the letter inspires change and not a fight!
-many blessings!!!!
lol dang!!!! maybe you can give us just a TASTE of the letter?please? lol
you did the right thing. they know that they should have been out there to be helping!!!
you know sometimes the truth hurts. people need to get it together!!!! and you are not wrong for doing that and I really hope it works
I hate when that happens. Even though they're old, they know they have family. People always have excuses. Glad you wrote that letter. & congrats 2 ur wife:)
Fllygurl how bad i want to put it on here but im not b/c that aint right but i was heated....
dreamy thanks for the support and u always say the riught thang
blahh hey man thanks she due sept 19 th *crossing my fingers* o yeah cheer up to and hope to see new picks of ya APT!
Everyone has to be on one accord for the church to receive any blessings so I pray that your message hits home with each member, young and old.
"Before we started I said a prayer and a car pulled up as soon as I said AMEN! I was like man this day is going to be a good one! Well it went downhill..."
Yo I literally laughed at that.
I think you did what you felt was necessary. Churches like that really do need to WAKE UP and stop being so sorry. Churches like that are the main reason why young people don't go to church now, because everyone in church is broke, busted, struggling, and disgusted. They talk all this smack about "Jesus, is my provider" "I'm blessed and highly favored." and "Im blessed to be a blessing" and they can't even meet together to do something like a car wash for the community. So I applaud the letter you wrote. If they got offended, GOOD because that means you told them something they needed to hear.
can we see the letter? lolol
skinny i was literally smiling when i seen your response b/c somebody said the same thing ya know! i just want to be respectful, understood, and stand up for whats right. I got they "slave genes" in me!
melo i want to but i cant b/c thats too messy i will let yall know the response!
Allot of churches are asleep these days. You can tell, by looking at the communities they live in, and the people who go.
I commend you for the letter. Especially, since you included some of that shaking for your Pastor.
Update us on the outcome!
thats some sad ish
yeah so... the line was outrageous when i went to see batman too. and we had to see the showing that was like two showings behind the one we wanted to see because they were all sold out! and this was sunday afternoon!
was worth it though. loved the movie.
so sad about the kitty. glad you got one you liked though.
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