Sunday, August 3, 2008

Change of Heart....

Have you ever judge somebody by stuff your friends and others say about them? Have you ever disliked somebody bc of their beliefs and actions but not their heart? Here is a story about HALE. He was perceived as a cheater, racist, and liar! I mean I didn't to much care for this dude. He would always do crazy and childish stuff. Ironically while I was on watch he was right up there with me just smoking a cig. I can't recall how the convo started but we ended up singing Kurt Franklin song "LEAN ON ME" . He knew so much about the bible and he told me his life story. His father is a sub par racist hailing from something small town MISSISSIPPI. Well hale wife is black. His father disowned him b/c he had got her pregnant and they married. His mother total opposite. She nourished HALE in the word of GOD. I was shocked by the other side of him. So as we were talking he says this story....

A man went to a store that sells crosses bc his was too heavy to bear. He entered the store and left his cross by the entrance. He walked down every aisle picking up crosses checking the weight of them and he was unsatisfied. Just when he was about to leave he seen a little cross by the door. With excitement he said SIR, I want that cross! The store clerk told him "That was your cross you brought in the store and sat by the door"


Taryn said...

That story made sense for how it was told. Sometimes we don't realize that the crosses we bear are way lighter than the crosses other people have to bear. Thats why its important to be grateful for everything even the hardships because someone out there has it way more worse.

Not everyone can carry their cross though. You are really suppose to switch crosses with someone because the other person's cross is meant to be lighter.

Jesus couldn't even carry his cross by himself and I'm not just talking about the literal cross only. Before he was captured to be crucified, Jesus went into the woods to pray and ask God to remove him from the situation. He agonized so much that he sweat blood.

The fact that jesus died for our sins means that he felt the burdens of EVERY sin imaginable to man, (lust, greed, rape, adultery , murder etc) he carried all of those guilts and emotions with him to the cross and that is an un-imaginable burden to carry.

Yes Jesus was beat until he was unrecognizable but he wasnt agonizing about the physical pain but more so the sinful emotional baggage of every sin. Thats why I say that all of the crosses we carry, we were NEVER meant to carry because jesus carried and died for those crosses a long time ago.

The Dreamy One said...

To be honest with you, I never try to judge someone by what other say...

i always give someone the benefit of the doubt....

i dont try to judge either, cause it aint my place....

alot of people just dont get that and have called me an Uncle Tom for being cool with White people.... but you know im cool with that....

im happy that you got a chance to know that man, instead of listening to rumors or judging of of others. you never know what blessing you might miss out on babes

hope that you had a wonderful weekend sir.....

Sexxy Luv said...

You are having some major break thru's in life! thanks for sharing them with us, i really appreciate your outlook on life, it's a fresh breath of air! :)

Judy D. said...

i am there as far as judging someone in particular BUT i have always known its because i dont know the person's complete story-

that take time anyway

Anonymous said...

I have never judged someone by what others say. I try to see the persons temperment myself.

Samson said...

I find myself doing that sometimes, and it's bad because I can carry a grudge forever!

But I tend to judge more on first impressions, and once I get over that, then I see the person inside.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your discovery. It is very easy to judge someone without actually knowing them. Everyday when we go out and about, we see someone and think, "They must have it all together," or "They must be really mean," etc., but the truth is getting to know someone is a journey and experience for both people involved. And we must be thankful for what we have in our lives and the blessings that God bestows upon us that enable us to carry our crosses.

arychtexas said...

skinny My pastor was explaing how human jesus was and how we are like him in so many ways.....

dreamy eww i used to call my brother that and i got a white wife now and 2 mixed kids so now im a Grand-Daddy tom

sexxy luv god is just being a presence in my life

judy d i dig ya and i kinda knew him but i wasnt buddy buddy wit him ya know

kin dats whats up but i used to talk about people and judge people off what i heard all the time but now i try to see more into them....

andre i know i know

kei u hit it right on.....

Rose Valentine said...

Wow that's amazing. That story has a very strong message.

Thankyou so much for you insight. Please come by again. :)

Nicole Linette said...

Yeah, I definitely have disliked people for their actions. But I know deep down they're a good person. Great moral story :)

I have two pen pals actually, one I've been writing to since February 2007 that I stayed with when I went to France, and another I've written since... September 2006 I think. They're cool.

Yes, your wife is right! Panera Bread is the best. The sandwiches are fresh, delicious, & ridicuously healthy. You should try it. :)

Miss Foxxy said...

i try not to judge people based on what i hear thru others.. but like someone else mentioned, i sometimes will judge people based on my first impression of them. but even then, i do allow myself to get to know them more.. sometimes they prove me wrong, sometimes they prove me right.

thank you for posting this.. i don't think many of us sit back and think about these kind of things.

HeyShae! said...

People dislike others for the oddest reasons or they try to 'team up' on folks so I try to form my own opinions based on their actions. Otherwise you'll be mad a a gang of people and not even know why.

arychtexas said...

rose thx

nicole thx and i'll try it b/c im on my half way eat right diet this year!

foxxy me too i tend to judge on first impression but i always leave the open canvas to learn about that person espically after this post

shae perception is a b though too...

Stew said...

that is so so deep.

people can surprise you. you can never really count anyone out.

Anonymous said...

Pretty deep.
Nice blog!

arychtexas said...

stew thks man and yep you have to figure that person out yourself

co welcome annd thks dont be a stranger

Chari said...

Yeah man, I'm learning not to judge people more and more each day.