Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Friendly azz people....This is written b/c my boy Lloyd said he wants me to write about this particular subject. Have you ever been walking and somebody you didn't know that well tried to dap you up? You know the guy who always some how end up around your crowd of people and no one knows who he is? This guy in the urban lingo is known as a "FRIENDLY AZZ NIGGA". I know a couple but the worst ones are the ones you work with! You purposely never say anything to them because you don't know them. They don't say hi to you one on one its always when you around somebody or your friends when they want to speak or dap you up. They purposely do this so they can look important around your peers. They don't want to break the ice with you that will be a waste of their time. They rather get seen by the whole crew so they can hear "Who is that?" So every time they see you all he can show his face and now you have to acknowledge him and now he has a chance to fit in! These people piss me off because they don't politely try to come up to you any other time. Its only when you with your people. My solution is to hit with the "WHORU?" Soon as he try to dap you up say " NIGGA WHO ARE YOU? Then he have to explain himself and I bet his heart is beating fast cause he fears that your peers see that he is a LAMEAZOID! In these cases they either walk off or give you the whole spill. Like "I'm Joe I work in the same dept with you or man we was chilling at the same spot one time." Then you hit with, "Naw I don't remember you!" Gets them every time. Now he has to re strategize and find some one else to lie to kick it (L2K) with....



LadyWritesTheBlues said...

LMAO @ "WHORU?" to the 'lameazoids'!

Whoo hoo, VA Beach! I'm originally from Norfolk!

Samson said...

It seems like them lames also spring up when they see you with some gals too... I'm like don't act like you know me now you friendly ass dude!

arychtexas said...

you damn skippy and its not set to gender either brother